Wipe and/or rinse recyclables to remove residual food and discourage unwanted pests.
Empty the recyclables from the plastic bag and put the plastic bag in the trash. Plastic bags are not recyclable until a process is found to do that in the future. Staff will remove your bag and the recyclables in it and put them in the trash. Flatten cardboard boxes to help our staff move efficiently.
Hey you! Were you paying attention? Do NOT place recyclables in plastic bags and deposit in the blue bins.
Recyclable items are basically metal, paper, and some plastics.
- Cans (beer cans, soup cans, you know, good old-fashioned cans!)
- Empty aerosol cans (completely empty spray product into the trash, then recycle)
- Food & beverage bottles and jars (don't even think about it! rinsed with lids removed!)
- Cardboard boxes of any kind (waxed liners go in the trash)
- Newspapers (wow, you still subscribe to a newspaper?)
- Magazines
- Office paper - white and colored
- Wax-coated beverage cartons
- Junk mail
- Envelopes (manila and regular)
- Telephone books (seriously, it's time to recycle your 2003 phone book)
- Computer paper
- Post-it Notes
- Card stock paper
- Paperback books
- Hardback books without the covers
- Parts of pizza boxes with no greasy stains (hey you! stained pizza boxes go in the trash)
- Cardboard roll from towels or toilet paper
- All light cardboard boxes
- Greeting cards/wrapping paper without foil (with foil go in trash)
Bottles, jars, jugs, yogurt/dairy cups marked nos. 1, 2 & 5 (hey you! yes, we mean you! please rinse containers out before you recycle them!)