Green Living - Light Bulbs

Okay. Let's shed a little light on light bulbs!
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This short, helpful video offers a great introduction to energy efficient light bulbs.
Key Facts
Incandescent Bulbs
Although federal directives regarding incandescent light bulbs have recently vacillated, the expectation for some time has been that incandescent bulbs would will eventually become unavailable in the United States, to be completely replaced by more efficient LED, CFL and halogen bulbs.
LED (light emitting diode) bulbs are most efficient, durable and recommended. They produce brighter light, have a longer life span than CFLs, and can be disposed of with ordinary trash. When you replace a single incandescent light bulb with an LED bulb you achieve a 75% energy savings. They produce brighter light and last much longer than even CFLs.
CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) bulbs use considerably less power than incandescent bulbs and last much longer. But if you use CFLs, be sure not to break them because they contain a small amount of mercury. If a CFL breaks, use a wet paper towel to pick up any shards. Seal the fragments, shards and paper towel in a bag, seal the bag and bring the sealed bag to the building's Environmental Services Office during a Wednesday pickup. Do not use a vacuum cleaner. Open windows to air out the room. 

Halogen bulbs are superior to discontinued incandescent bulbs, but less efficient than both LED and CFL bulbs. Since they contain halogen gas, they also present disposal challenges; they are not suitable for recycling in The Philadelphian, nor should they be disposed as trash.
Disposal Options for CFL & Halogen Bulbs
CFL and halogen bulbs can also be taken to IKEA or Home Depot for disposal, and some online outlets will accept spent CFLs to recover and recycle the mercury they contain.  You can also take unbroken CFLs to any City Recycling Drop-off Center on the scheduled Household Hazardous Waste collection dates.
Additional Energy Saving
Use energy-saving devices like motion detection sensors and timers  that will turn lights on and off as needed