Green Living - Appliances & Electronics
Learn here about Energy Star appliances and electronics that save energy, along with numerous green tips to manage them more effectively!
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An Energy Star refrigerator uses at least 15% less energy than required by current federal standards. It also uses 40% less energy than those sold in 2009.
- Use the correct temperature setting that is displayed inside your refrigerator. Don't keep your refrigerator or freezer too cold.
- Make sure your refrigerator door seals are airtight.
- Cover liquids and wrap foods. Uncovered foods release moisture and make the compressor work harder.
- Clean condenser coils at least once a year.
- Top freezer models are more efficient than side-by-side models.
- Icemakers and water dispensers increase energy use.
Clothes Washers and Dryers
More than 90% of the energy used for washing clothes is for heating water. Lower the water temperature from hot to warm to cut a load's energy use in half without sacrificing cleaning power.
- Consider buying a high efficiency (HE) washer that automatically sizes the water to the load size.
- Wash and dry full loads.
- Use the appropriate water level setting for smaller loads.
- Clean the lint filter in the dryer after every load to improve air circulation.
Energy Star does not certify clothes dryers because most dryers use similar amounts of energy. There are Energy Star washer/dryers that can be stacked or mounted under a countertop.
An Energy Star dishwasher uses less water and 25% less energy.
- Scrape but don’t rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.
- Be sure your dishwasher is full, but not overloaded, when you run it.
- Don’t use the “rinse hold” setting. It uses 3-7 gallons of hot water each time.
- Let your dishes air-dry.
Garbage Disposals
Put only vegetable waste in your garbage disposal. Cut stringy vegetables into small pieces. Put bones, grease, paper and hard items in your trash.
Energy Star certified home electronics products can use up to 50% less power than non-Energy Star products. Energy Star products use less energy in the "OFF" mode while offering the same performance of non-Energy Star models. Energy Star models are environmentally friendly because they cut down on the amount of fossil fuels used to provide electricity, resulting in a reduction of greenhouse gases.
To learn more about Energy Star appliances, click here.
- Turn off or unplug electronic products when not in use.
- Plug electronics into power strips and turn power strips off when not in use. Read the products manual first to make sure that you will not harm the product if you turn it off. If you leave the product in "instant on" or "standby" mode settings, the product still uses 75% of full power to restore the product to the “on” mode”. This includes cable boxes.
- Turn off the computer monitor when not in use.
- Use a laptop, not a traditional desktop. Laptops use less energy.
- Use an ink jet printer instead of a laser printer. Laser printers can use up to 90% more energy.
- Choose an all in one printer/copier/scanner instead of separate products.
- Unplug your cell phone chargers after your phone is charged.
- Rechargeable batteries are more cost effective than throwaway batteries.
- Set up your computer to switch to sleep mode when not in use to save energy. Screen savers do not reduce energy.
- It is an incorrect perception that equipment will last longer if it is never turned off.